United States Mission to Somalia: Overview of U.S. Support to Somalia

United States Mission to Somalia: Overview of U.S. Support to Somalia

Press Statement

For Immediate Release                                                                                December 18, 2018

Overview of U.S. Support to Somalia

The United States re-established permanent diplomatic presence in Mogadishu, Somalia on December 2, 2018.  USAID also re-established presence.  To create a better tomorrow for the people of Somalia, the United States is committed to providing more than $900 million in critical investment.  The United States is meeting life-saving humanitarian assistance needs; expanding education and healthcare; building institutions, good governance, and justice; creating jobs and advancing economic development; and providing stabilization and security for the people of Somalia.


U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to Somalia

$420 million in life-saving humanitarian assistance to Somalia this year.

Job Creation

Creating more than 1,600 full-time, private sector jobs in the last 3 years.  (In the dairy sector alone, our support created nearly 500 full-time and 650 seasonal jobs.  We helped stop Irmaan Dairy from closing down; it now produces over 3,500 liters of milk daily.)

The United States is looking at airport and port upgrades to create trade and jobs.

Debt Relief

Consideration of debt relief to attract development to Somalia.


Supporting secondary education for 160,000 youth in Somalia and 20,000 primary school children (45%) girls.

Governance and Stabilization

$110 million to help establish good governance, conflict resolution, and judicial reform.


For more information, please contact

Janet E. Deutsch

Public Affairs Officer

United States Mission to Somalia

WhatsApp  +252-683-131-704

[email protected]

Visit us at https://so.usmission.gov/


Follow us on Twitter: @US2SOMALIA


  • Calinuur 6 years ago

    Waxaan so dhawwynaa tagerada toska ah ee usa waxaan ugu baaqiyaa ineey sii wadaan

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