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Somalia is on a war footing, and President Hassan Sheikh is showing an exemplary leadership. So, what lesson does the genocidal war in Gaza hold for S

Guddoomiye Siciid Anteeno Maankiisa Maxaa ka Guuxaya? (dhegayso)
Puntland iyo Imaaraadka Carabta oo saaka Bossaso ku ballansan
Datoor Abiy Axmed Caliy, Guddoomiyaha OPDO, oo loo wado RW Itoobiya

Somalia is on a war footing, and President Hassan Sheikh is showing an exemplary leadership. So, what lesson does the genocidal war in Gaza hold for Somalia? For an answer, look no further than the Palestinian resistance, and let us learn from the resistance. The first lesson is know your enemy. The president, no matter how hard he works for Somalia, without knowing Somalia’s enemies, can’t fight back against UAE’s sinister plans behind the Ethiopian aggression and expect to win.

So, who are Somalia’s enemies? Let us start with the number one on the list. President Hassan Sheikh knows full well that Ethiopia and Muse Bihi are first on the list. However, after Ethiopia and Muse, the waters get muddy, and this is where the President seems to fail. This could be a fatal mistake for Somalia.

Let us go down to the number two on the treacherous list, and it is none other than the dictator of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh. Now, imagine the consequences of treating the perfidious Mr. Guelleh as your best friend, while he is devouring you on the sides and in the inside. For Somalia to have any success in fending off Ethiopia, we must recognize IOG as no different than Ethiopia. IOG, in his current state, is an existential threat to the survival of the Somali nation.

Let us move down on the treachery list and to the UAE. The UAE without a question is the number three threat to Somalia. It sits at the bottom of the pyramid, always scheming the dismantling of Somalia. President Hassan Sheikh without severing whatever good relations we may have with the UAE, should at least cut them loose from any association with Somalia’s security forces and from all sensitive areas.

Next in line is knowing and then reaching out to our true friends. While there are no reliable friends in today’s geopolitics, Turkey, unlike any other country, has for the past 10 years plus proven that it is a friend of Somalia. The President should take the first flight and meet President Erdogan and form new strategic partnership with Turkey right away.

With foes, friends, and treacherous schemers sifted through, President Hassan Sheikh should now come back to local politics and the federalization of the country. SSC-Khatumo and Awdal State should immediately be recognized as Federal Member States (FMS). SSC is already armed to the teeth, so President Hassan Sheikh should turn to Awdal, train and arm and have other volunteer Somalis join hands with the Awdalites.

As for the renegade and treasonous Muse Bihi and his administration, they should be put on a wanted list, and a temporary Somaliland administration, in consultation with stakeholders, nominated right away. Effective immediately, treat Muse Bihi and his renegade and treasonous administration as the enemy they are.

The Gaza lesson teaches us to first defend ourselves with all our might and hold nothing back. Once we stand our ground, true friends will join the battle on our side, and treacherous friends will not find piece in being quiet.

Daljir Media | Contributed to by Daljir staff in Mogadishu and Garoowe