The Importance of Preserving the Parliamentary System of Somalia

The Importance of Preserving the Parliamentary System of Somalia


The article argues against replacing a parliamentary system with a two-party presidential system. It emphasizes the need to understand history and the potential consequences of centralizing power through parliament. The author urges readers to vote against such a change to prevent a fragmented nation.

The article will discuss the advantages of the parliamentary system, the potential pitfalls of a two-party
presidential system, and the importance of learning from history.

1. The Strengths of the Parliamentary System

The parliamentary system is a well-established form of government that offers several advantages:

a) Representation and Inclusivity: Parliamentary systems often allow for a greater representation of diverse political ideologies, as multiple parties can participate in the legislative process. This inclusivity promotes a broader representation of citizens’ interests.

b) Flexibility and Adaptability: Parliamentary systems allow for more fluidity in government formation, enabling quick responses to changing circumstances. Coalition governments can be formed, ensuring a broader range of perspectives and fostering compromise.

c) Separation of Powers: The parliamentary system maintains a clear separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, preventing an excessive concentration of power in a single individual.

2. Potential Pitfalls of a Two-Party Presidential System

a) Polarization: A two-party presidential system often leads to increased polarization between the two major parties, resulting in a lack of cooperation and compromise. This can hinder effective governance and perpetuate political gridlock.

b) Limited Representation: With only two major parties, smaller political factions may struggle to gain representation, potentially leaving a significant portion of the population feeling marginalized or unheard.

c) Concentration of Power: A two-party presidential system can lead to an excessive concentration of power in the hands of the president, potentially undermining the system of checks and balances.

3. The Importance of Learning from History

History has shown that unilateral efforts to centralize power and resources through parliament can have adverse consequences. Fragmentation and division can arise when power is concentrated without considering the diverse interests and perspectives of the population.

4. Vote No

In conclusion, it is crucial to vote against replacing the parliamentary system with a two-party presidential system. The parliamentary system offers greater representation, flexibility, and a more balanced distribution of power. By learning from history, we can avoid repeating past mistakes and work towards a more inclusive and effective system of governance.

Ahmed Shire Yasin | Political Analyst | X: @HonAhmedShire



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